Cleite: Mistéir ar Bord


What a calamity! A cannonball has shot a bit hole through the big sail! ‘Captain Plúr, give us your treasure or we’ll sink your boat!’ Cleite started to shake with fear when he heard the horrible voice of Captain Féasóg Bhearrtha. ‘Treasure?’ said Captain Plúr, ‘what treasure?’ What treasure is Captain Féasóg Bhearrtha looking for? […]



What a calamity! A cannonball has shot a bit hole through the big sail! ‘Captain Plúr, give us your treasure or we’ll sink your boat!’ Cleite started to shake with fear when he heard the horrible voice of Captain Féasóg Bhearrtha. ‘Treasure?’ said Captain Plúr, ‘what treasure?’

What treasure is Captain Féasóg Bhearrtha looking for? Mama Plúr is expecting a baby and the family is in danger. Who will come to their aid?

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