Dialann Emily Porter – Thíos seal, Thuas seal


Emily Porter is happy out. Herself and Cian are officially going out, she’s in transition year now (no homework for a year), and there’s a new teacher at school who is inspiring, kind and a total lash! But it’s not long before things start to unravel for the poor teenager. She has problems galore. Problems […]


Emily Porter is happy out. Herself and Cian are officially going out, she’s in transition year now (no homework for a year), and there’s a new teacher at school who is inspiring, kind and a total lash!

But it’s not long before things start to unravel for the poor teenager. She has problems galore. Problems with her best friend Olivia, problems at home and problems with her boyfriend. If that wasn’t bad enough, her Mam and Dad have a big secret to share that will turn Emily’s life upside down.

Emily Brontë and Emily Dickinson are literary icons and Emily Porter is delighted that her diary is adding to the literary tradition of the Emilys.

This book won a prize at the Oireachtas Literary Competitions 2020.

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Weight 0.34 kg